Tuesday, June 24, 2014

canon digital camera?


DSLR Designed Ground-up to be Digital -what does this mean?

3,456 x 2,304 pixel images

Low-Noise8.0 Megapixel CMOS Sensor

ISO of 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600

Compatible with All Canon EF and EF-S Lenses


CMOS, that's alot of money..

the camera you're looking for is:
this camera:
The Canon EOS-1D Mark 11

it has eight megapixels, it's a professional camera,it has cmos censor, and it's only 1,900$ used, they don't make them any more, but all the other CMOS sensored SLR's were like five thousand to ten thousand dollars, however, if you could afford that, you could give http://amazon.com a look.

Good Canon digital camera?

I already have the zoom and standard lens from my rebel g camera which I assume would be interchangeable with a digitial camera??? so am wondering what a good digital camera model would be (also Canon) that would give professional type results. I need high pixels so that I can submit photos to a professional stock photo site.

The previous poster's recommendation would be good if you did not need a digital SLR, but you will need one if you want to use those lenses. To answer your first question, you will be able to use them as long as they are EF mount lenses. You can tell by looking on the lens box most of the time.

Again, to use your lenses, you will need a digital SLR. Canon offers several high megapixel options at varying price points. Depending on your definition of "high megapixels", here are some recommendations. Let's just say you need 10 megapixels or higher.

There is a digital SLR available from Canon at every level (entry level, prosumer, and professional) that is 10 megapixels or higher.

10 megapixels: 400D ($800), 40D ($1200), 1DMarkIII ($4500)
12 megapixels: 5D ($2600)
16 megapixels: 1Ds Mark II ($7000)
22 megapixels: 1Ds Mark III ($8000, ships in October)

If these are all out of your price range, you may have to give up lens interchanging capability for a conventional digital point and shoot. The A640 (10mp) and Powershot G9 would be worth looking at, too.

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