Sunday, June 22, 2014

Should I buy a Canon 7D?


I'm finishing high school soon and want to invest in a good camera. I plan on going to school for a degree in photography, film production, or graphic design. I figure a good camera would be useful for all three. I can spend around $2,500, but under 2k would be great.

I'm pretty fixed on the 7D, but I can't figure a way to get good lenses for both film and photography for less then 1k. Should I go for a cheaper camera and buy good lenses, or vice versa?

I need a pro level camera that can handle both video and photo.

Buy the 7D now if you can afford it. At the very least get a fast normal lens 35mm f/1.8 or the kit lens that comes with it, the 18-"whatever" mm.

At the most, which will surely go over budget so as a long term plan, get some popular focal length lenses that are also fast. You can't go wrong with 50mm, 85mm and 24mm. If you don't have the 35mm yet, get it too. The more you learn about photography and film making, the more you'll appreciate what those two lenses can do.

Buying Canon 7D, any reviews?


i own a Nikon D80 and i want the new Canon 7D, i was wondering if it is better than the Nikon D300 or 700, and what are some of the good qualities.

If you switch to the 7D, those old Nikon lenses you used to use with the D80 will all be useless. The cost isn't just limited to the body itself, but to the lenses you will need to buy to replace the old ones you had before.

As for performance, the D700 is the best out of those 3. For the same price as getting the 7D and replacement lenses, the D700 is the much better camera here.

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Title Post: Should I buy a Canon 7D?
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