Saturday, June 21, 2014

digital camera?


I want to buy new digital camera ,because i had 3 but no luck this time i need to be more careful my bughet is about 300 to 400 hunderd and i need something not big so i can carry all the time , and very nice picutres so i can use these picutres in my website too. please help me with that and let me know what can i buy best for my buget, thanks

If youâre looking for a point & shoot, user friendly digital camera, I have to say, I like Canon. Nothing against other the other brands. I prefer Canon based on personal experience and their reputation.

Consider the Canon PowerShot models, the A630 or the A640. These compact models have helpful pre-set shooting modes that you choose for the particular picture situation you are about to shoot. Like: auto(matic), portrait, nighttime, landscape, indoor, snow, beach, kids & pets (subjects that wonât keep still), and more⦠You can also be creative with these models, where you can choose special FX settings as you are shooting a pictures and have the option to program/set your own manual setting, so check the specifications. You should bear in mind, with physical size of the camera, (subcompact/slim/flat vs. compact), you compromise features that are available on the compact/slightly larger models.

I own the Canon PowerShot A620. My favorite feature of this model is the vari-angle (flip and twist) display/LCD screen. It protects the screen when not in use, and helpful for odd angle shots. Especially if you want to take a picture of yourself, or yourself with others. Picture taking is instant! I have found lag time is not an issue, with this camera, compared to my first digital camera. They now have an updated version of my A620⦠the above mentioned A630 and A640. Here is a review and its features (keep scrolling to see the vari-angle screen), up close and personal:

Here is where I go to shop on-line for the best price for digital cameras. (Which I found to have considerable better prices than going locally to your nearest digital camera dealer). Just type in your camera model in the âsearch keywordâ: Buy soon or check daily, for prices changes daily amongst merchants. Also check if the camera is being sold ânewâ or ârefurbishedâ.

If youâd rather buy from the store, check the usual places, Best Buy, Circuit City, Wal-Mart, Target, and camera stores. Even consider Office Max, Office Depot, CostCo/Samâs Club---any store with a camera department.

I hope you have better luck this time!

Digital Cameras?


I have a 14 year old son who want a camera and im clueless, what should i get him for under 300 dollars and which are the best for your money

My choice for a camera that a 14 year old would think was suitably cool would be a Canon Powershot SD600, if you can find it, or its replacement, the SD1000. I'm sure others will recommend this camera.

Canon SD1000 (IXUS 70):
- Also: Go there and click on "Read Owner Opinions."

If you want to spend a little less money, some of our best answerers always recommends the Fujifilm FinePix F20 camera as the best-for-less choice. I have to say that I like the sample images at Steve's site (below). If Morey000 or SpaceCowboy show up after me and make this recommendation, choose them as the best answer, because I'm just passing along their suggestion. I have no personal experience with this camera. I see it at B&H Photo (available through Yahoo! Shopping) for $150; $190 with a 1 GB Sandisk memory card.

My brother has the A540 and my mother-in-law has the A530 - on my recommendation - and neither one has stopped speaking to me yet. Based on this and experience with other Canon Powershot cameras, I am now recommending the A550 as a nice and relatively inexpensive camera.

Canon just introduced the A550, which has more pixels, but offers less user control. I'd be happy with the A540, but the A550 is probably also worth considering, especially since the A540 has been discontinued. I've seen it for $140 in some stores like WalMart and Target.

The A550 costs $160 at B&H and, of course, you'll need a memory card.

A550 review:

Steve's reviews updates the "Best Camera" list periodically:

Consumer Reports from May 2007 has a short article on digital cameras and they recommend 10 different point and shoot cameras in the following order within groups according to camera design:
Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX2 (Overall score 75) [$410]
Kodak EasyShare C875 (Overall score 73) [$165] - Rated better for shutter lag
Nikon Coolpix P4 (Overall score 65)
Canon Powershot SD500 (Overall score 72)
Casio Exilim EX-Z850 (Overall score 72)
Sony Cybershot DSC-W50 (Overall score 70) [$180] [Similar to W55] - Rated better for shutter lag
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX3 (Overall score 69) [$200] [Similar to FX-10, FX-12]
Olympus Stylus 720SW (Overall score 61) [Similar to 770SW - $360] (Waterproof)
Fujifilm Finepix S6000fd (Overall score 77) [$300] - Rated better for shutter lag
Fujifilm Finepix E900 (Overall score 73) [$250]

[Things change so quickly in digital cameras that I can not find all of these models listed for sale and it's not even May yet. Prices are from B&H Photo, April 2007.]

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Title Post: digital camera?
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