Saturday, June 14, 2014

Which is Best Digital camera company? Canon, sony or Nikon?


I wanna purchase digital camera. but i m confused little bit, that which is best Canon, Sony or Nikon? plz pull out me from this confusion.

depends on what type of camera you are looking for..
If its a point and shoot I would go say 1. Canon 2. Sony 3. Nikon... if its DSLR then its a toss up between Canon and Nikon and Sony is third place... if its just who makes the best sensors, then its a tie between Canon and Sony and Nikon is a distant third (most high end Nikon DSLRs use Sony sensors)... Canon and Nikon are really good at the lens side of the business, Sony on the other hand is very good at making sensors but pretty weak at the link between the sensor and the lens.

which is btter in slr digital cameras canon or nikon?

biko k

im planning to buy an slr didgital camera these days wut do u recommend nikon or canon???

Well if your looking for an entry level DSLR then both Nikon & Canon are about the same. Some very minor differences among models but you will get the same value for about the same price. I did a lot of research before I bought my first DSLR, I visited forums and asked a lot of the pros. In the end I went w/ Canon because I had some of their other products. Nikon would be just as good; go to the store and see which camera feels more comfortable.

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Title Post: Which is Best Digital camera company? Canon, sony or Nikon?
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